
Yet Another Lesson From Dr. Height

Since I started this blog, I’ve gotten feedback from lots of people who seem to question the value of an unwed lifestyle. I’ve listened to sistahs who wonder what their own worth is if they never become a Mrs. I’ve heard from men who doubt a woman can live a fulfilling life without a man by her side.

To those who have any question about the worth, value and possibilities of a life lived without a wedding ring, I’d like to present the life of Dr. Dorothy Height as an example of how significant one’s life can be, even if he or she is single.

I think Dr. Height did what everyone should do, whether married or solo. She used her talents to make a difference and affect change. If we all used our skills to improve the world, imagine how much better things would be.

Although that’s a universal message, I do think Dr. Height’s life is even more relevant for single ladies who might think life begins when Prince Charming arrives.

I’m not knocking the desire to be in a loving, committed relationship, but I’d caution those who are so caught up chasing potential mates that they aren’t doing all that can be done during this season of singleness.

I think it’s important to discover a purpose for your life where you are now.

I’m no authority on life. I probably know less than the next person, but I do know that I want my life to mean something. I want to be remembered for uplifting those around me and making a positive difference, and whether I achieve that as a wife or not doesn’t change my ultimate goal.

Sure. There are times I think that it’d be a shame if I never married or had children, but I think it would be even worse to never realize and fulfill my life’s purpose.

I won’t deny that while I’m searching and working toward my goals I sometimes take a quick glance around the room in case Mr. Right is trying to catch my eye, but if he never shows up, I hope to look back at my life and find that I made a positive difference doing what I was put here to do.

Like Dr. Height, I think living such a life will leave a praiseworthy legacy.

Get more on the life of Dr. Height here.

4 Responses to “Yet Another Lesson From Dr. Height”

  1. April 20, 2010 at 11:32 pm

    I just wanted to let you know that this is a wonderful post! This is something that I will be bookmarking because I agree with you in that it is all too easy to become caught up in our own ideals of what life ought be about instead of what it should be about.

    This post really has kind of brought me back to the ground in terms of what life is about(making a positive difference in the time that we have here in Earth) and how I should never lose sight of that. As you stated with Dr. Height, our individual legacies are determined by the talents that we were given and to what ends we used those talents!

  2. April 21, 2010 at 11:43 am

    WELL SAID! You are such a powerful reporter of the truth. It is my prayer that your words resonate with so many who do not make the best of their time while single. There’s so much that can be done by all of us.

    Ladies, lead the revolution for change without worrying about your worth. You were made whole by the most high, God. Being married simply means God allowed you to see the work of the kingdom done with another whole person. Don’t rush it. Just do your work…the “help mate” will come. If not, just keep doing the work to advance the kingdom. In the end, that’s what counts, queens.

  3. 3 T. M. Johnson
    April 24, 2010 at 11:40 pm

    Wonderful post! I love how your blog always touches on the total sum of single life. Too many times, relationship writers focus only on “how to find a mate” or “what’s wrong with you.” Very inspiring.

  4. April 28, 2010 at 7:02 am

    I got a chance to meet Dr. Height last year and I am so glad I did. She reminded me that things really aren’t that hard for Black women today compared to what she went through during the civil rights era. As Black women, she taught us to keep going when the world says, “No.”

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April 2010